Contrary to popular belief, it seems millennials are not just self-involved, smartphone-addicted and underemployed. Who knew?
Adweek gets the real story.
To paint a truer picture of Gen Y, Adweek polled 100 millennials in New York City. Granted, NYC millennials may be somewhat of a unique subspecies, but the results were still enlightening. Some examples:

Some good news for marketers.
Another Adweek survey revealed that millennials, more than other generations, feel brands play an essential role in their lives. Millennials are receptive to brand content, particularly if it’s immersive, informative and relatable. In fact, nearly 80% said they would watch at least some of a sponsored video.
The lesson is clear. The marketers who succeed with millennials will be the ones who dig a little deeper. Millennials are like the (printed) books they read – you can’t judge them by their covers.