What time is it? The answer may soon be: time for an advertising message.
As the release of the Apple Watch draws closer, marketers and makers of mobile ad tools are wasting no time exploring how to advertise on its tiny screen.
Not just a billboard on your wrist
The possibilities are intriguing. When you’ve got a watch or other wearable on, ads could be sent to you based on the time, weather, your location or other factors. For example, you might receive:

An electronic coupon for cookies when you’re in the snack aisle

An ad for new running shoes based on jogging data from your wearable gadget

An offer based on your bio-state – think low blood sugar or a quickening heart rate – thanks to the sensors in these gadgets. Taking it a step further, advertisers may even be able to use this feedback to gauge your reaction to an ad in real-time.
Hey, get out of my (watch) face!
Will customers embrace all this? That remains to be seen. While people seem less concerned about privacy on their watches than on their phones, there’s still the “creep factor” to overcome. Not everyone wants personalized offers served up to them based on information captured about them. Especially when they’re just trying to check the time.