Illustration of women whispering

Best-ever type of advertising.

Timeless advertising idea, digitally remastered.

What if your advertising could be completely credible and cost almost nothing?
The concept is nothing new, it’s timeless.

It’s word-of-mouth.

Word-of-mouth endorsements have always been around, but they have been earned one conversation at a time, and they have been difficult to prove and impossible to quantify.

Word-of-mouth in the digital age.

Enter into the mix social platforms. Likes, thumbs-up’s, Angie’s List. They’re all useful to an extent, but uncontrollable.

The latest embodiment of word-of-mouth is advocacy marketing. As mentioned in a recent Harvard Business Review article, emerging services like Zubernace are providing marketers the means to identify and select product advocates and give them the social platforms to get their word out. The difference is that the endorsement is coming not from “J.D. in Raleigh” but someone you know and presumably trust.

It’s big, it’s measurable.

The real advantage to advocacy marketing in the digital age is scale and measurement. Imagine thousands of credible conversations a day that you can track and then translate into a quantifiable return on your social-media investment.

The aforementioned HBR article is titled “Marketing Is Dead.” That’s a little harsh. We believe it’s actually a marketing rebirth – another example of advertising shifting from one-way to individual conversations that matter. And yet another opportunity to mine valuable information on a customer’s behaviors and preferences in real time.


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